Учи в Университета на Канагава, Япония, MEAW Technique.
Учи в Специализирания център по ортодонтия в Presidente Prudente-Brasil.
MBT обучение, в Сан Диего Калифорния.Д-р Ричард Мак.Лафлин.
Курс по мини-импланти, Atla-САЩ, д-р Пабло Ечари.
Vector TAS обучение, д-р Боб Смит, Phoneix-Аризона.
Международен лектор: Постоянен курс по мини-импланти в Университета на Картахена, Теоретично-Практически-Клинични.
Член на Дружеството на ортодонтите S.C.O.Член на ASOCIEO.
Високо ниво на обучение по биомеханика с инфразигоматични мини-импланти и Мандибуларен Аз за пациенти от клас II и III, Хсинчу, Тайван с д-р Крис Чанг, юни 2012 г.
Гост лектор на PCOS 2014, Анахайм-Калифорния.
25 май 2024 г.
08:00 - 08:45
Registration of attendees
08:45 - 09:00
Presentation by Dr. Patricia Vergara
09:00 - 10:30
Angela Domínguez – Scope of photobiomodulation in orthodontics. Photobiomodulation in orthodontics is not only to accelerate tooth movement and control pain during treatments. We can take advantage of it in differential movement, root resorption control and patients with periodontal compromise.
Viviane Tinoco – Digital Design and Planning for Disjunction with Modified Penn.
13:00 - 14:00
Angelica Chois – Keynote + Occlusion and biomechanical concepts + attitude = presentations at ANOTHER LEVEL. Dare to deliver your clinical experience with MAGIC TRANSITION.
14:00 - 15:30
Lunch brake
15:30 - 16:30
Yana Tarasova – Digital technology in treatment with aligners. Scanning, axiography. Digital modeling, splints. How orthodontists can work more efficiently with modern protocols.
16:30 - 18:00
Elsa Arango – The next level: Skeletal anchors for orthodontics.
18:00 - 18:30
18:30 - 20:00
Carol Weinstein – Navigating the challenging сases in orthodontics for the last 5 years. Were you overwhelmed by the changes to digitalization? Did you have to rethink your treatment plans? Modify your mechanics? Did you think about retiring? Did you survive this crazy atmosphere? If you can relate to these questions…this conference is for you! We will go through these changes, in children and adults with fixed appliances and aligners, we will share the mechanics that worked and those that did not. We will cover different anchorage managements, expansions, 3D surgery, ortoperio and much more. As always, on a dynamic journey, sharing successes and failures, with careful photographic monitoring and @sinsecretos. See you in Barcelona Olé!
25 май 2024 г.
09:00 - 10:30
Andrea Bono – TMJ, Orthodontics and Aligners, how to treat together?
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee brake
11:00 - 12:30
Vicky Charris – Vertical Dimension Management with Dental Aligners: Synergy between technique and concepts.
12:30 - 14:00
Leticia Galeano – Handling of extrusions with invisible aligners.
14:00 - 15:30
Lunch brake
15:00 - 17:00
Alejandra Londoño – Mandibular repositioning to correct skeletal malocclusion and treatment of TMJ dysfunction with temporary overlays TO GOs! The best treatment tool in Occlusion Medicine.
17:00 - 19:00
Patricia Vergara – Orthodontics based on experience!. Unconventional concepts of skeletal, biomechanical, functional anchorage and anatomical structures not suitable, according to the literature, in complex orthodontic treatments.