HomeCraniomandibular Orthodontics

Craniomandibular Orthodontics

21-22 Септември 2024г.      Севиля, Испания /присъствено/       Онлайн

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Cranio-Mandibular Orthodontics and Occlusion Medicine

A key for Successful Orthodontic Treatment of Different Types of Malocclusions without Premolar Extraction and Surgical Intervention

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Prof. Dr. Sadao Sato

Prof. Dr. Sadao Sato is an internationally most recognized specialist in the area of orthodontics.

– 1971 Assistant, Dept of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
– 1979 Assistant Professor, Dept of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
– 1988 Associate Professor, Dept of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
– 1991 President, Japanese MEAW Technic and Research Foundation
– 1992 Active member of EH Angle Society of Orthodontists
– 1996 Professor, Dept of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
– 2002 Professor, Dept of Craniofacial Growth and Development Dentistry, Division of Orthodontics, Kanagawa Dental College
– 2010 Academic Dean, Kanagawa Dental University, Yokosuka, Japan
– 2011 Academic Dean, Shonan Junior College, Yokosuka, Japan
– 2014 Research Institute of Occlusion Medicine, Kanagawa Dental University, Yokosuka, Japan


26 май 2023 г.

Roles of Vertical Dimension and Occlusal Plane in Development of Malocclusions

The most important factor in the development of malocclusion is the change in the occlusal plane, which depends on the change in the vertical dimension (VD) of the molars. In skeletal Class III and Class III-open bite malocclusions, the occlusal plane, especially the posterior occlusal plane (POP), is strongly flattened as the vertical dimension of the molars increases, and the mandible adapts anteriorly by rotating anteriorly. Changes in the vertical dimension and POP, mandibular adaptation play an important role in the developmental process of malocclusion. To understand the mechanism of malocclusion development, it is important to know how the mandible adapts to the occlusal plane. The mandible tends to deviate (adapt) toward a side of lower occlusal vertical height. Therefore, it is important to control the VD and POP to induce readjustment of the mandible and return it to a normal developmental trajectory.

Anterior Open Bite as a Foundation for Understanding of Malocclusion

Anterior Open Bite is the foundation for understanding all malocclusions. Homo Sapience is prone to opening anterior bite because of its evolutionary background in the maxillofacial region. The human growth and development process is repeated a phylogenetic process, which means that the maxillofacial skeleton gradually verticalize during growth and development, and the vertical height of the lower facial region increases. In contrast, the mandible is adapted to avoid anterior open bite by rotating forward. However, if the mandible is limited in its adaptation capacity due to an abnormal increase in vertical height, an open bite will develop.

Posterior Discrepancy and Tooth Extraction in Management of Malocclusion

During the course of human evolution, the anteroposterior length of the upper and lower jaw was greatly reduced. With the eruption of the six-year molars (first molars), the dentition is divided into two sections: anterior to the first molars and posterior to the molar region including the first molars. In traditional orthodontics, the lack of space anterior to the first molars has been concentrated in diagnostics, while the lack of space in the posterior molar region has been ignored. However, when we observe the process of skeletal Class III and open bite development, it was suspected that vertical extrusion and forward pushing of teeth due to lack of space in the molars play an important role. The lack of space in the posterior molar region is therefore referred to as posterior discrepancy. In the orthodontic treatment of malocclusion, the resolution of posterior discrepancy is extremely important.

Importance of Occlusal Plane Control in Orthodontic Treatment of Malocclusion

Observation of the occlusal plane of individuals showing normal maxillofacial growth and development reveals that the occlusal plane gradually flattens, and that the mandible rotates forward and the mandibular plane angle (FH-MP) gradually decreases and adapts further forward. On the other hand, in Class II cases, the occlusal plane, especially the POP, hardly changes and remains steeply inclined, and the mandible rotates backward, making anterior adaptation difficult. In Class III cases, the vertical height of the maxillary molars increases significantly and the POP flattens, and the mandible adapts anteriorly with significant anterior rotation. These results strongly indicated that the control of the occlusal plane is the key to success in the orthodontic treatment of malocclusion.

Orthodontic Treatment of Malocclusions with TMD

Occlusion is the most influential factor on mandibular position and TMJ function. Malocclusions such as open bite, Class II and MLD are often associated with TMJ dysfunction. In the treatment of these malocclusions, the most important objective is to eliminate the over loading on the TMJ. From this point of view, it is very important to diagnose the mandibular position, look for the therapeutic position (ThP) of the mandible, and make a treatment plan to achieve the treatment goal.

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